Explore Resources

Blog posts with thoughts, tips, tricks, insights, and more.
Detailed guides on how to use specific tools in my written tutorials. Each tutorial is available to read here and in a downloadable PDF format.
Features PDF version copies of old catalogs and historical information on tool makers
Background and appreciation of the tools I commonly have on hand. Makers are listed in alphabetical order.
Links and information about friends and other leatherworking resources.

Historical Catalogs and Maker Information

This page features old leather tool related catalogs and historical information on leather tool makers. These are in PDF format for easier reading and download. 

CS Osborne Co catalog -1897

The HF Osbourne Co. - Tools and Machinery of Every Description For Saddle and Harness Making - (1891)

HG Gomph Catalog

McMillen Fine Hand Made Tools - Catalog No. 77

Gore Tools

FK Russell

Rosecran's Patent Edge Tools

W Rose catalog - 1885

F Westphal & Bro Catalogue

Eilers Catalog

Ross Moyer

Toolmakers and Inventors - For literally years, several of us used this as a reference and nobody knew who compiled this list. Today (1/11/2025) I learned it was done several years ago using self-taught HTML and a dial-up connection on a now defunct website of our friend Steve Meloling!  Thank you Steve, you continue to be a source of solid history!

Sauerbier History - By Mark Rain

Here's How! to learn Leather Carving - A Home Study Course - Bill Wheeler (1948)