Wayne Jueschke Mauls, String Cutters, and Rivet Setters
Wayne Jueschke Tools - Wayne Jueschke is one of the premier leather tool makers. He is well known for his stamps, mauls, string cutters, and rivet sets. They are used by many of the top leather workers today. Wayne mainly sells his tools at leather trade shows or from his shop and until now they were not available on a website. To buy these fine tools you needed to either attend a show or call and request a brochure and payment was done through mail.
We now have in stock Wayne's mauls, stamps, rivet sets, and string/lace cutters. These are new and unused tools directly from Wayne. I am selling them at exactly the same price Wayne sells them for, but with the added convenience of seeing them on a website, purchasing them through email, and payment with PayPal, credit card, or debit card.
Wayne Jueschke Mauls
I believe Wayne may have been among or the first to make tapered mauls. The tapered head allows you to make a square hit on the stamp with your elbow resting on the bench or at your side with less shoulder strain. The head material he uses is very durable. My personal mauls from him have seen a lot of use over 15 years or more with minimal wear. I like the balance of these mauls and the slightly longer handle allows for a good rebound action. The stacked leather handles are comfortable without being slippery and sliding around in your hand. There is just a lot I personally like about them.

Wayne Jueschke String Cutters
The Jueschke string cutter is clamped on the edge of a bench or table. It comes complete with two bars. The braiding bar has a straight up section for cutting lace to width, a splitter section up to 5/8 inch, and flat slots to bevel at 30/45/60 degrees. The crowning bar has the straight up cutter, splitter section, and three rounded grooves for crowning lace. This tool has the added feature of an adjustable "hold down" to keep the lace pressed into the bar helping to avoid "wadding" to one side or the other. The hold down can be used on either side of the body for cutting, splitting, beveling, or crowning. It uses single edge razor blades, scalpel, or X-acto blade for the cutting, and utility knives work well for the splitting and beveling side.
Wayne Jueschke Rivet Setters
These rivet sets are used to set copper rivets. The three piece set includes a bur setter, peener for the shank, and a domer for the head with a light "petal" design for an added decorative touch. The domers are also sold separately as a single.