Pinking and Scalloping Punches
Pinking Punches
Pinking punches cut a half round profile with pointed tips. They can be used for punching a decorative end on a strap or to make a scalloped and pinked edge.
Scalloping Punches
Scalloping punches have rounded ends on each individual scallop. They are not as commonly found.
Single Scalloping Punches -
These are single punches designed to make a scalloped edge. They are used in chap making, period hunting bags, and decorative leather edges. I have made these by special order for quite a while but now am stocking the commonly ordered 1/4 inch through 1/2 inch sizes. These particular punches I make up from round drive punches. I slow speed wetgrind a full hole punch into a half round shape. The bevel is then smoothed and polished followed by edge sharpening.

Benchtop Crank Pinking Machines
Benchtop crank pinking machines can be found with different pattern wheels to cut a scalloped or pinked border. They are used on chrome tan leather, felt, and fabric.